Atomic SecOps

ATT&CK Atomic Logo Atomic Attack Name GitHub Platform Sigma Logo Sigma Rules SecOps Logo Google SecOps Rules
T1001.002 Execute Embedded Script in Image via Steganography GitHub Linux
T1003 Send NTLM Hash with RPC Test Connection GitHub Windows
T1003 Dump Credential Manager using keymgr.dll and rundll32.exe GitHub Windows
T1003 Retrieve Microsoft IIS Service Account Credentials Using AppCmd (using config) GitHub Windows
T1003.001 Powershell Mimikatz GitHub Windows
T1003.001 Dump LSASS.exe Memory through Silent Process Exit GitHub Windows
T1003.001 Dump LSASS.exe using imported Microsoft DLLs GitHub Windows
T1003.001 Create Mini Dump of LSASS.exe using ProcDump GitHub Windows
T1003.001 Offline Credential Theft With Mimikatz GitHub Windows
T1003.001 Dump LSASS.exe Memory using NanoDump GitHub Windows
T1003.001 Dump LSASS.exe Memory using comsvcs.dll GitHub Windows
T1003.001 Dump LSASS.exe Memory using ProcDump GitHub Windows
T1003.002 dump volume shadow copy hives with certutil GitHub Windows
T1003.002 esentutl.exe SAM copy GitHub Windows
T1003.003 Create Volume Shadow Copy with diskshadow GitHub Windows
T1003.003 Create Symlink to Volume Shadow Copy GitHub Windows
T1003.003 Create Volume Shadow Copy remotely (WMI) with esentutl GitHub Windows
T1003.003 Create Volume Shadow Copy remotely with WMI GitHub Windows
T1003.003 Create Volume Shadow Copy with WMI GitHub Windows
T1003.003 Copy NTDS.dit from Volume Shadow Copy GitHub Windows
T1003.003 Create Volume Shadow Copy with vssadmin GitHub Windows
T1003.003 Create Volume Shadow Copy with Powershell GitHub Windows
T1003.003 Dump Active Directory Database with NTDSUtil GitHub Windows
T1003.004 Dump Kerberos Tickets from LSA using dumper.ps1 GitHub Windows
T1003.004 Dumping LSA Secrets GitHub Windows
T1003.005 Cached Credential Dump via Cmdkey GitHub Windows
T1003.006 DCSync (Active Directory) GitHub Windows
T1003.006 Run DSInternals Get-ADReplAccount GitHub Windows
T1003.007 Capture Passwords with MimiPenguin GitHub Linux
T1003.008 Access /etc/shadow (Local) GitHub Linux
T1007 System Service Discovery - net.exe GitHub Windows
T1007 System Service Discovery GitHub Windows
T1016 DNS Server Discovery Using nslookup GitHub Windows
T1016 Adfind - Enumerate Active Directory Subnet Objects GitHub Windows
T1016 System Network Configuration Discovery (TrickBot Style) GitHub Windows
T1016 System Network Configuration Discovery on Windows GitHub Windows
T1016.002 Enumerate Stored Wi-Fi Profiles And Passwords via netsh GitHub Windows
T1018 Remote System Discovery - net group Domain Controller GitHub Windows
T1018 Adfind - Enumerate Active Directory Computer Objects GitHub Windows
T1018 Remote System Discovery - nltest GitHub Windows
T1018 Remote System Discovery - net group Domain Computers GitHub Windows
T1018 Remote System Discovery - net GitHub Windows
T1018 Enumerate Remote Hosts with Netscan GitHub Windows
T1018 Enumerate Active Directory Computers with ADSISearcher GitHub Windows
T1018 Remote System Discovery - ping sweep GitHub Windows
T1021.001 Disable NLA for RDP via Command Prompt GitHub Windows
T1021.001 Changing RDP Port to Non Standard Port via Command_Prompt GitHub Windows
T1021.002 Execute command writing output to local Admin Share GitHub Windows
T1021.002 Copy and Execute File with PsExec GitHub Windows
T1021.004 ESXi - Enable SSH via VIM-CMD GitHub Windows
T1027 Execution from Compressed JScript File GitHub Windows
T1027 DLP Evasion via Sensitive Data in VBA Macro over HTTP GitHub Windows
T1033 System Owner/User Discovery GitHub Windows
T1036.003 Masquerading - wscript.exe running as svchost.exe GitHub Windows
T1036.003 Malicious process Masquerading as LSM.exe GitHub Windows
T1036.003 Masquerading - powershell.exe running as taskhostw.exe GitHub Windows
T1036.003 Masquerading - cscript.exe running as notepad.exe GitHub Windows
T1036.003 Masquerading as Windows LSASS process GitHub Windows
T1036.004 Creating W32Time similar named service using schtasks GitHub Windows
T1036.004 Creating W32Time similar named service using sc GitHub Windows
T1036.007 File Extension Masquerading GitHub Windows
T1037.001 Logon Scripts GitHub Windows
T1039 Copy a sensitive File over Administrative share with Powershell GitHub Windows
T1039 Copy a sensitive File over Administrative share with copy GitHub Windows
T1040 Packet Capture Linux socket AF_PACKET,SOCK_RAW with BPF filter for UDP with sudo GitHub Linux
T1040 Packet Capture Linux socket AF_INET,SOCK_PACKET,UDP with sudo GitHub Linux
T1040 Packet Capture Linux socket AF_INET,SOCK_RAW,TCP with sudo GitHub Linux
T1040 Packet Capture Linux socket AF_PACKET,SOCK_RAW with sudo GitHub Linux
T1040 Windows Internal pktmon set filter GitHub Windows
T1040 Windows Internal Packet Capture GitHub Windows
T1047 Application uninstall using WMIC GitHub Windows
T1047 WMI Execute rundll32 GitHub Windows
T1047 Create a Process using WMI Query and an Encoded Command GitHub Windows
T1047 WMI Execute Remote Process GitHub Windows
T1047 WMI Execute Local Process GitHub Windows
T1047 WMI Reconnaissance List Remote Services GitHub Windows
T1047 WMI Reconnaissance Software GitHub Windows
T1047 WMI Reconnaissance Processes GitHub Windows
T1048.002 Exfiltrate data HTTPS using curl freebsd,linux or macos GitHub Linux
T1053.002 At.exe Scheduled task GitHub Windows
T1053.003 Cron - Add script to /var/spool/cron/crontabs/ folder GitHub Linux
T1053.003 Cron - Add script to all cron subfolders GitHub Linux
T1053.005 Scheduled Task ("Ghost Task") via Registry Key Manipulation GitHub Windows
T1053.005 Scheduled task Remote GitHub Windows
T1053.005 Scheduled Task Startup Script GitHub Windows
T1053.005 Scheduled Task Executing Base64 Encoded Commands From Registry GitHub Windows
T1053.005 Scheduled task Local GitHub Windows
T1053.006 Create Systemd Service and Timer GitHub Linux
T1055 Process Injection with Go using CreateThread WinAPI (Natively) GitHub Windows
T1055 Process Injection with Go using CreateThread WinAPI GitHub Windows
T1055 Remote Process Injection in LSASS via mimikatz GitHub Windows
T1055.001 WinPwn - Get SYSTEM shell - Bind System Shell using UsoClient DLL load technique GitHub Windows
T1056.001 Input Capture GitHub Windows
T1056.004 Hook PowerShell TLS Encrypt/Decrypt Messages GitHub Windows
T1057 Discover Specific Process - tasklist GitHub Windows
T1057 Process Discovery - wmic process GitHub Windows
T1057 Process Discovery - tasklist GitHub Windows
T1059.001 SOAPHound - Build Cache GitHub Windows
T1059.001 SOAPHound - Dump BloodHound Data GitHub Windows
T1059.001 ATHPowerShellCommandLineParameter -EncodedCommand parameter variations with encoded arguments GitHub Windows
T1059.001 ATHPowerShellCommandLineParameter -EncodedCommand parameter variations GitHub Windows
T1059.001 ATHPowerShellCommandLineParameter -Command parameter variations with encoded arguments GitHub Windows
T1059.001 Powershell MsXml COM object - with prompt GitHub Windows
T1059.001 Invoke-AppPathBypass GitHub Windows
T1059.001 Mimikatz GitHub Windows
T1059.001 PowerShell Invoke Known Malicious Cmdlets GitHub Windows
T1059.001 PowerShell Command Execution GitHub Windows
T1059.001 Mimikatz - Cradlecraft PsSendKeys GitHub Windows
T1059.003 Command prompt writing script to file then executes it GitHub Windows
T1059.003 Command Prompt read contents from CMD file and execute GitHub Windows
T1059.003 Writes text to a file and displays it. GitHub Windows
T1059.004 Detecting pipe-to-shell GitHub Linux
T1059.004 Command-Line Interface GitHub Linux
T1059.004 Shell Creation using awk command GitHub Linux
T1059.005 Visual Basic script execution to gather local computer information GitHub Windows
T1059.007 JScript execution to gather local computer information via wscript GitHub Windows
T1059.007 JScript execution to gather local computer information via cscript GitHub Windows
T1069.001 Wmic Group Discovery GitHub Windows
T1069.001 SharpHound3 - LocalAdmin GitHub Windows
T1069.001 Basic Permission Groups Discovery Windows (Local) GitHub Windows
T1069.002 Adfind - Query Active Directory Groups GitHub Windows
T1069.002 Enumerate Active Directory Groups with ADSISearcher GitHub Windows
T1070 Indicator Removal using FSUtil GitHub Windows
T1070.001 Clear Logs GitHub Windows
T1070.002 Delete system log files via unlink utility (freebsd) GitHub Linux
T1070.003 Clear Bash history (rm) GitHub Linux
T1070.004 Delete a single file - FreeBSD/Linux/macOS GitHub Linux
T1070.004 Delete an entire folder - Windows cmd GitHub Windows
T1070.004 Delete Prefetch File GitHub Windows
T1070.004 Delete a single file - Windows cmd GitHub Windows
T1070.005 Remove Network Share GitHub Windows
T1070.005 Add Network Share GitHub Windows
T1071.001 Malicious User Agents - CMD GitHub Windows
T1071.004 DNS C2 GitHub Windows
T1074.001 Stage data from GitHub Linux
T1074.001 Zip a Folder with PowerShell for Staging in Temp GitHub Windows
T1074.001 Stage data from Discovery.bat GitHub Windows
T1078.001 Activate Guest Account GitHub Windows
T1078.001 Enable Guest account with RDP capability and admin privileges GitHub Windows
T1078.003 Use PsExec to elevate to NT Authority\SYSTEM account GitHub Windows
T1078.003 Create local account with admin privileges GitHub Windows
T1082 ESXi - Darkside system information discovery GitHub Windows
T1082 ESXi - VM Discovery using ESXCLI GitHub Windows
T1082 WinPwn - PowerSharpPack - Seatbelt GitHub Windows
T1082 WinPwn - PowerSharpPack - Sharpup checking common Privesc vectors GitHub Windows
T1082 WinPwn - PowerSharpPack - Watson searching for missing windows patches GitHub Windows
T1082 System Information Discovery GitHub Windows
T1082 Griffon Recon GitHub Windows
T1082 Windows MachineGUID Discovery GitHub Windows
T1082 System Information Discovery GitHub Windows
T1083 ESXi - Enumerate VMDKs available on an ESXi Host GitHub Windows
T1083 File and Directory Discovery (cmd.exe) GitHub Windows
T1087.001 ESXi - Local Account Discovery via ESXCLI GitHub Windows
T1087.002 Enumerate Default Domain Admin Details (Domain) GitHub Windows
T1087.002 Adfind - Enumerate Active Directory User Objects GitHub Windows
T1087.002 Enumerate all accounts (Domain) GitHub Windows
T1087.002 Enumerate Linked Policies In ADSISearcher Discovery GitHub Windows
T1087.002 Enumerate Active Directory Users with ADSISearcher GitHub Windows
T1087.002 Adfind - Enumerate Active Directory Exchange AD Objects GitHub Windows
T1087.002 Adfind - Enumerate Active Directory Admins GitHub Windows
T1087.002 Adfind -Listing password policy GitHub Windows
T1087.002 Automated AD Recon (ADRecon) GitHub Windows
T1090.001 Connection Proxy GitHub Linux
T1090.001 portproxy reg key GitHub Windows
T1095 Powercat C2 GitHub Windows
T1095 ICMP C2 GitHub Windows
T1105 Linux Download File and Run GitHub Linux
T1105 sftp remote file copy (push) GitHub Linux
T1105 Arbitrary file download using the Notepad++ GUP.exe binary GitHub Windows
T1105 File Download via PowerShell GitHub Windows
T1105 Windows - PowerShell Download GitHub Windows
T1105 Windows - BITSAdmin BITS Download GitHub Windows
T1105 iwr or Invoke Web-Request download GitHub Windows
T1105 Download a file using wscript GitHub Windows
T1105 certreq download GitHub Windows
T1105 Lolbas replace.exe use to copy UNC file GitHub Windows
T1105 Lolbas replace.exe use to copy file GitHub Windows
T1105 Printer Migration Command-Line Tool UNC share folder into a zip file GitHub Windows
T1105 Download a file with IMEWDBLD.exe GitHub Windows
T1105 File download with finger.exe on Windows GitHub Windows
T1105 Download a File with Windows Defender MpCmdRun.exe GitHub Windows
T1105 svchost writing a file to a UNC path GitHub Windows
T1105 OSTAP Worming Activity GitHub Windows
T1106 WinPwn - Get SYSTEM shell - Pop System Shell using NamedPipe Impersonation technique GitHub Windows
T1106 WinPwn - Get SYSTEM shell - Bind System Shell using CreateProcess technique GitHub Windows
T1106 WinPwn - Get SYSTEM shell - Pop System Shell using CreateProcess technique GitHub Windows
T1110.001 ESXi - Brute Force Until Account Lockout GitHub Windows
T1110.001 Password Brute User using Kerbrute Tool GitHub Windows
T1110.002 Password Cracking with Hashcat GitHub Windows
T1110.004 SSH Credential Stuffing From Linux GitHub Linux
T1112 Flush Shimcache GitHub Windows
T1112 Change Powershell Execution Policy to Bypass GitHub Windows
T1112 Modify UseTPMKeyPIN Registry entry GitHub Windows
T1112 Modify UseTPMKey Registry entry GitHub Windows
T1112 Modify UseTPMPIN Registry entry GitHub Windows
T1112 Modify EnableBDEWithNoTPM Registry entry GitHub Windows
T1112 Requires the BitLocker PIN for Pre-boot authentication GitHub Windows
T1112 Disable Windows Remote Desktop Protocol GitHub Windows
T1112 Enable RDP via Registry (fDenyTSConnections) GitHub Windows
T1112 Activities To Disable Microsoft [FIDO Aka Fast IDentity Online] Authentication Detected By Modified Registry Value. GitHub Windows
T1112 Modify Internet Zone Protocol Defaults in Current User Registry - cmd GitHub Windows
T1112 Tamper Win Defender Protection GitHub Windows
T1112 Enabling Remote Desktop Protocol via Remote Registry GitHub Windows
T1112 Mimic Ransomware - Allow Multiple RDP Sessions per User GitHub Windows
T1112 Disable Windows Error Reporting Settings GitHub Windows
T1112 Ursnif Malware Registry Key Creation GitHub Windows
T1112 NetWire RAT Registry Key Creation GitHub Windows
T1112 Suppress Win Defender Notifications GitHub Windows
T1112 Windows Add Registry Value to Load Service in Safe Mode with Network GitHub Windows
T1112 Windows Add Registry Value to Load Service in Safe Mode without Network GitHub Windows
T1112 Windows Powershell Logging Disabled GitHub Windows
T1112 Modify registry to store logon credentials GitHub Windows
T1112 Modify Registry of Local Machine - cmd GitHub Windows
T1113 Capture Linux Desktop using Import Tool GitHub Linux
T1113 Windows Recall Feature Enabled - DisableAIDataAnalysis Value Deleted GitHub Windows
T1114.001 Email Collection with PowerShell Get-Inbox GitHub Windows
T1115 Utilize Clipboard to store or execute commands from GitHub Windows
T1119 Recon information for export with Command Prompt GitHub Windows
T1119 Automated Collection Command Prompt GitHub Windows
T1120 Peripheral Device Discovery via fsutil GitHub Windows
T1123 using device audio capture commandlet GitHub Windows
T1124 System Time Discovery W32tm as a Delay GitHub Windows
T1124 System Time Discovery GitHub Windows
T1127 Lolbin Jsc.exe compile javascript to dll GitHub Windows
T1127 Lolbin Jsc.exe compile javascript to exe GitHub Windows
T1129 ESXi - Install a custom VIB on an ESXi host GitHub Windows
T1132.001 Base64 Encoded data (freebsd) GitHub Linux
T1132.001 Base64 Encoded data. GitHub Linux
T1134.002 WinPwn - Get SYSTEM shell - Pop System Shell using Token Manipulation technique GitHub Windows
T1134.004 Parent PID Spoofing - Spawn from Specified Process GitHub Windows
T1134.005 Injection SID-History with mimikatz GitHub Windows
T1135 PowerView ShareFinder GitHub Windows
T1135 View available share drives GitHub Windows
T1135 Network Share Discovery command prompt GitHub Windows
T1136.001 Create a new Windows admin user via .NET GitHub Windows
T1136.001 Create a new Windows admin user GitHub Windows
T1136.001 Create a new user in a command prompt GitHub Windows
T1136.002 Create a new account similar to ANONYMOUS LOGON GitHub Windows
T1136.002 Create a new Windows domain admin user GitHub Windows
T1137 Office Application Startup - Outlook as a C2 GitHub Windows
T1140 Linux Base64 Encoded Shebang in CLI GitHub Linux
T1140 FreeBSD b64encode Shebang in CLI GitHub Linux
T1140 Certutil Rename and Decode GitHub Windows
T1140 Deobfuscate/Decode Files Or Information GitHub Windows
T1187 WinPwn - PowerSharpPack - Retrieving NTLM Hashes without Touching LSASS GitHub Windows
T1187 Trigger an authenticated RPC call to a target server with no Sign flag set GitHub Windows
T1187 PetitPotam GitHub Windows
T1195 Octopus Scanner Malware Open Source Supply Chain GitHub Windows
T1197 Bits download using desktopimgdownldr.exe (cmd) GitHub Windows
T1197 Bitsadmin Download (PowerShell) GitHub Windows
T1197 Bitsadmin Download (cmd) GitHub Windows
T1201 Examine domain password policy - Windows GitHub Windows
T1201 Use of SecEdit.exe to export the local security policy (including the password policy) GitHub Windows
T1201 Examine local password policy - Windows GitHub Windows
T1202 Indirect Command Execution - Scriptrunner.exe GitHub Windows
T1202 Indirect Command Execution - forfiles.exe GitHub Windows
T1202 Indirect Command Execution - pcalua.exe GitHub Windows
T1204.002 LNK Payload Download GitHub Windows
T1204.002 Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUA) GitHub Windows
T1204.002 OSTap Payload Download GitHub Windows
T1216 SyncAppvPublishingServer Signed Script PowerShell Command Execution GitHub Windows
T1216 manage-bde.wsf Signed Script Command Execution GitHub Windows
T1216.001 PubPrn.vbs Signed Script Bypass GitHub Windows
T1217 List Internet Explorer Bookmarks using the command prompt GitHub Windows
T1217 List Mozilla Firefox bookmarks on Windows with command prompt GitHub Windows
T1217 List Google Chrome / Edge Chromium Bookmarks on Windows with command prompt GitHub Windows
T1218 DiskShadow Command Execution GitHub Windows
T1218 Renamed Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe Payload Executions GitHub Windows
T1218 mavinject - Inject DLL into running process GitHub Windows
T1218 System Binary Proxy Execution - Wlrmdr Lolbin GitHub Windows
T1218 Provlaunch.exe Executes Arbitrary Command via Registry Key GitHub Windows
T1218 Lolbas ie4uinit.exe use as proxy GitHub Windows
T1218 Lolbin Gpscript startup option GitHub Windows
T1218 Lolbin Gpscript logon option GitHub Windows
T1218 Load Arbitrary DLL via Wuauclt (Windows Update Client) GitHub Windows
T1218 Invoke-ATHRemoteFXvGPUDisablementCommand base test GitHub Windows
T1218 Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe Payload Execution GitHub Windows
T1218 InfDefaultInstall.exe .inf Execution GitHub Windows
T1218 Register-CimProvider - Execute evil dll GitHub Windows
T1218.001 Decompile Local CHM File GitHub Windows
T1218.001 Compiled HTML Help Remote Payload GitHub Windows
T1218.001 Compiled HTML Help Local Payload GitHub Windows
T1218.003 CMSTP Executing UAC Bypass GitHub Windows
T1218.003 CMSTP Executing Remote Scriptlet GitHub Windows
T1218.005 Mshta used to Execute PowerShell GitHub Windows
T1218.005 Mshta executes VBScript to execute malicious command GitHub Windows
T1218.005 Mshta executes JavaScript Scheme Fetch Remote Payload With GetObject GitHub Windows
T1218.007 Msiexec.exe - Execute Remote MSI file GitHub Windows
T1218.007 Msiexec.exe - Execute the DllUnregisterServer function of a DLL GitHub Windows
T1218.007 Msiexec.exe - Execute the DllRegisterServer function of a DLL GitHub Windows
T1218.007 Msiexec.exe - Execute Local MSI file with an embedded EXE GitHub Windows
T1218.007 Msiexec.exe - Execute Local MSI file with an embedded DLL GitHub Windows
T1218.007 Msiexec.exe - Execute Local MSI file with embedded VBScript GitHub Windows
T1218.007 Msiexec.exe - Execute Local MSI file with embedded JScript GitHub Windows
T1218.008 Odbcconf.exe - Load Response File GitHub Windows
T1218.008 Odbcconf.exe - Execute Arbitrary DLL GitHub Windows
T1218.010 Regsvr32 Registering Non DLL GitHub Windows
T1218.010 Regsvr32 remote COM scriptlet execution GitHub Windows
T1218.010 Regsvr32 local COM scriptlet execution GitHub Windows
T1218.010 Regsvr32 Silent DLL Install Call DllRegisterServer GitHub Windows
T1218.011 Rundll32 with Control_RunDLL GitHub Windows
T1218.011 Rundll32 with Ordinal Value GitHub Windows
T1218.011 Execution of non-dll using rundll32.exe GitHub Windows
T1218.011 Rundll32 setupapi.dll Execution GitHub Windows
T1218.011 Rundll32 syssetup.dll Execution GitHub Windows
T1218.011 Rundll32 ieadvpack.dll Execution GitHub Windows
T1218.011 Rundll32 advpack.dll Execution GitHub Windows
T1218.011 Rundll32 execute VBscript command using Ordinal number GitHub Windows
T1218.011 Rundll32 execute payload by calling RouteTheCall GitHub Windows
T1218.011 Rundll32 execute command via FileProtocolHandler GitHub Windows
T1218.011 Running DLL with .init extension and function GitHub Windows
T1218.011 Rundll32 with desk.cpl GitHub Windows
T1218.011 Launches an executable using Rundll32 and pcwutl.dll GitHub Windows
T1218.011 Execution of HTA and VBS Files using Rundll32 and URL.dll GitHub Windows
T1218.011 Rundll32 execute VBscript command GitHub Windows
T1218.011 Rundll32 execute JavaScript Remote Payload With GetObject GitHub Windows
T1219 GoToAssist Files Detected Test on Windows GitHub Windows
T1219 AnyDesk Files Detected Test on Windows GitHub Windows
T1220 WMIC bypass using remote XSL file GitHub Windows
T1220 WMIC bypass using local XSL file GitHub Windows
T1222 Enable Local and Remote Symbolic Links via fsutil GitHub Windows
T1222.001 Grant Full Access to folder for Everyone - Ryuk Ransomware Style GitHub Windows
T1222.001 attrib - hide file GitHub Windows
T1222.001 attrib - Remove read-only attribute GitHub Windows
T1222.001 cacls - Grant permission to specified user or group recursively GitHub Windows
T1222.001 Take ownership using takeown utility GitHub Windows
T1222.002 chattr - Remove immutable file attribute GitHub Linux
T1222.002 chown - Change file or folder ownership recursively GitHub Linux
T1222.002 chown - Change file or folder ownership and group recursively GitHub Linux
T1222.002 chown - Change file or folder ownership and group GitHub Linux
T1222.002 chmod - Change file or folder mode (symbolic mode) recursively GitHub Linux
T1222.002 chmod - Change file or folder mode (numeric mode) recursively GitHub Linux
T1222.002 chmod - Change file or folder mode (symbolic mode) GitHub Linux
T1222.002 chmod - Change file or folder mode (numeric mode) GitHub Linux
T1482 Adfind - Enumerate Active Directory OUs GitHub Windows
T1482 Adfind - Enumerate Active Directory Trusts GitHub Windows
T1482 Windows - Discover domain trusts with nltest GitHub Windows
T1485 FreeBSD/macOS/Linux - Overwrite file with DD GitHub Linux
T1485 ESXi - Delete VM Snapshots GitHub Windows
T1485 Overwrite deleted data on C drive GitHub Windows
T1486 PureLocker Ransom Note GitHub Windows
T1489 Linux - Stop service by killing process using pkill GitHub Linux
T1489 Linux - Stop service by killing process using killall GitHub Linux
T1489 Linux - Stop service using systemctl GitHub Linux
T1489 Windows - Stop service by killing process GitHub Windows
T1489 Windows - Stop service using net.exe GitHub Windows
T1489 Windows - Stop service using Service Controller GitHub Windows
T1490 Modify VSS Service Permissions GitHub Windows
T1490 Windows - vssadmin Resize Shadowstorage Volume GitHub Windows
T1490 Windows - Disable the SR scheduled task GitHub Windows
T1490 Windows - Delete Backup Files GitHub Windows
T1490 Windows - Delete Volume Shadow Copies via WMI with PowerShell GitHub Windows
T1490 Windows - Disable Windows Recovery Console Repair GitHub Windows
T1490 Windows - Delete Volume Shadow Copies via WMI GitHub Windows
T1490 Windows - Delete Volume Shadow Copies GitHub Windows
T1491.001 ESXi - Change Welcome Message on Direct Console User Interface (DCUI) GitHub Windows
T1505.002 Install MS Exchange Transport Agent Persistence GitHub Windows
T1505.003 Web Shell Written to Disk GitHub Windows
T1505.004 Install IIS Module using AppCmd.exe GitHub Windows
T1518 Find and Display Internet Explorer Browser Version GitHub Windows
T1518.001 Security Software Discovery - ps (Linux) GitHub Linux
T1518.001 Security Software Discovery - AV Discovery via WMI GitHub Windows
T1518.001 Security Software Discovery - Sysmon Service GitHub Windows
T1518.001 Security Software Discovery GitHub Windows
T1529 ESXi - vim-cmd Used to Power Off VMs GitHub Windows
T1529 ESXi - Avoslocker enumerates VMs and forcefully kills VMs GitHub Windows
T1529 ESXi - Terminates VMs using pkill GitHub Windows
T1531 Delete User - Windows GitHub Windows
T1531 Change User Password - Windows GitHub Windows
T1543.002 Create Systemd Service GitHub Linux
T1543.003 Remote Service Installation CMD GitHub Windows
T1543.003 TinyTurla backdoor service w64time GitHub Windows
T1543.003 Service Installation PowerShell GitHub Windows
T1543.003 Service Installation CMD GitHub Windows
T1543.003 Modify Fax service to run PowerShell GitHub Windows
T1546 Persistence via ErrorHandler.cmd script execution GitHub Windows
T1546.001 Change Default File Association GitHub Windows
T1546.002 Set Arbitrary Binary as Screensaver GitHub Windows
T1546.003 Windows MOFComp.exe Load MOF File GitHub Windows
T1546.005 Trap SIGINT (freebsd) GitHub Linux
T1546.005 Trap SIGINT GitHub Linux
T1546.005 Trap EXIT (freebsd) GitHub Linux
T1546.005 Trap EXIT GitHub Linux
T1546.007 Netsh Helper DLL Registration GitHub Windows
T1546.008 Create Symbolic Link From osk.exe to cmd.exe GitHub Windows
T1546.008 Replace binary of sticky keys GitHub Windows
T1546.011 New shim database files created in the default shim database directory GitHub Windows
T1546.011 Application Shim Installation GitHub Windows
T1547 Driver Installation Using pnputil.exe GitHub Windows
T1547 Add a driver GitHub Windows
T1547.001 Creating Boot Verification Program Key for application execution during successful boot GitHub Windows
T1547.001 Reg Key RunOnce GitHub Windows
T1547.001 Reg Key Run GitHub Windows
T1547.006 Linux - Load Kernel Module via insmod GitHub Linux
T1547.009 Shortcut Modification GitHub Windows
T1548.001 Make and modify binary from C source (freebsd) GitHub Linux
T1548.001 Make and modify binary from C source GitHub Linux
T1548.001 Do reconnaissance for files that have the setgid bit set GitHub Linux
T1548.001 Do reconnaissance for files that have the setuid bit set GitHub Linux
T1548.002 WinPwn - UAC Bypass DccwBypassUAC technique GitHub Windows
T1548.002 Bypass UAC by Mocking Trusted Directories GitHub Windows
T1548.002 Bypass UAC using Fodhelper GitHub Windows
T1550.002 Mimikatz Pass the Hash GitHub Windows
T1550.003 Mimikatz Kerberos Ticket Attack GitHub Windows
T1552.002 Enumeration for PuTTY Credentials in Registry GitHub Windows
T1552.002 Enumeration for Credentials in Registry GitHub Windows
T1552.004 Private Keys GitHub Windows
T1552.004 Export Certificates with Mimikatz GitHub Windows
T1552.004 CertUtil ExportPFX GitHub Windows
T1552.006 GPP Passwords (findstr) GitHub Windows
T1552.006 GPP Passwords (Get-GPPPassword) GitHub Windows
T1553.003 SIP (Subject Interface Package) Hijacking via Custom DLL GitHub Windows
T1553.004 Add Root Certificate to CurrentUser Certificate Store GitHub Windows
T1555 Enumerate credentials from Windows Credential Manager using vaultcmd.exe [Web Credentials] GitHub Windows
T1555 Enumerate credentials from Windows Credential Manager using vaultcmd.exe [Windows Credentials] GitHub Windows
T1555 Dump credentials from Windows Credential Manager With PowerShell [web Credentials] GitHub Windows
T1555 Dump credentials from Windows Credential Manager With PowerShell [windows Credentials] GitHub Windows
T1555.003 WinPwn - PowerSharpPack - Sharpweb for Browser Credentials GitHub Windows
T1555.003 Dump Chrome Login Data with esentutl GitHub Windows
T1555.003 Simulating access to Windows Edge Login Data GitHub Windows
T1555.003 Simulating access to Windows Firefox Login Data GitHub Windows
T1555.003 Simulating access to Opera Login Data GitHub Windows
T1555.003 Simulating access to Chrome Login Data GitHub Windows
T1555.003 LaZagne - Credentials from Browser GitHub Windows
T1555.003 Run Chrome-password Collector GitHub Windows
T1555.004 WinPwn - Loot local Credentials - Invoke-WCMDump GitHub Windows
T1555.004 Access Saved Credentials via VaultCmd GitHub Windows
T1558.003 WinPwn - PowerSharpPack - Kerberoasting Using Rubeus GitHub Windows
T1558.004 WinPwn - PowerSharpPack - Kerberoasting Using Rubeus GitHub Windows
T1560.001 Compress Data and lock with password for Exfiltration with winzip GitHub Windows
T1560.001 Compress Data and lock with password for Exfiltration with winrar GitHub Windows
T1562 Disable journal logging via systemctl utility GitHub Linux
T1562 Windows Disable LSA Protection GitHub Windows
T1562.001 Disable syslog GitHub Linux
T1562.001 Disable SELinux GitHub Linux
T1562.001 Disable Windows Defender with DISM GitHub Windows
T1562.001 Kill antimalware protected processes using Backstab GitHub Windows
T1562.001 Uninstall Crowdstrike Falcon on Windows GitHub Windows
T1562.001 Remove Windows Defender Definition Files GitHub Windows
T1562.001 Tamper with Windows Defender Command Prompt GitHub Windows
T1562.001 Disable Arbitrary Security Windows Service GitHub Windows
T1562.001 AMSI Bypass - AMSI InitFailed GitHub Windows
T1562.001 Unload Sysmon Filter Driver GitHub Windows